The Future of Campus Safety: IMPaCT Campus Safety

The safety of students, faculty, and staff is a top priority for every college and university. With the increasing number of incidents and tragedies happening on campuses, public safety departments must adapt to new technologies and innovative approaches to better protect their community. Call boxes and safety apps were introduced, but they have their limitations. That is why IMPaCT developed the IMPaCT Campus Safety program, cutting-edge software that:

  • Covers 100% of the campus

  • Provides clear and accurate data

  • Automatically generates reports for better insight and team collaboration

  • Has a near Zero Barrier to entry

  • No students, employees, or visitors need to download an app

We will discuss how IMPaCT Campus Safety program works and why it is the future of campus safety.

Call Boxes and safety apps are currently the primary methods of communication between students and university public safety. However, they have their limitations. Call boxes have a limited reach and can only be used in limited scenarios – i.e. when someone is being followed, chased, or in imminent danger while outside. On the other hand, safety apps require students and employees to download the app, which is not feasible. Also, they only cover people who downloaded the app. This is where the IMPaCT Campus Safety program comes in.

IMPaCT Campus Safety is a comprehensive safety system that installs QR codes throughout the campus in every possible location, including dorm rooms, bathrooms, portable bathrooms, bars, stadiums, locker rooms, student housing, fraternities, sororities, and more. This system covers 100% of the locations a campus wants, meaning every student, employee, and visitor can reach out for help if needed. All reports are automatically organized, dated, and geolocated, which filters directly into the IMPaCT software.

IMPaCT Campus Safety also expands from safety to prevention and mental health. Sexual assault victims, for instance, will be reminded someone on campus is ready and available to chat. These reminders come in the form of QR code screens or posters in their room, a bathroom stall, and wherever else they go on campus. Students, employees, and visitors need not download an app to get help. Only the teams using IMPaCT, such as mental health, Title XI teams, DV Teams, and police, need software.

IMPaCT Safety program is not just a safety tool but also helps universities and colleges comply with the Clery Act, Title IX, and other federal regulations. The program gathers data from all the QR code scans, which can be used to identify high-risk areas and patterns that could inform better public safety strategies and policies.

Another great advantage of the IMPaCT Campus Safety program is that it does not require significant long-term financial or technical resources to implement. It is easy and affordable to install, and the program can be customized to meet the specific needs of the university or college.

The time has come to move beyond the outdated methods of call boxes and safety apps and invest in the future of campus safety with IMPaCT Campus Safety. This comprehensive system covers all locations designated by the college or university, expands from safety to prevention and mental health, and helps universities and colleges further comply with federal regulations. It is easy to install, cost-effective, and customizable. IMPaCT Campus Safety is the ultimate solution that ensures a safer and healthier campus community.


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