How IMPaCT is Revolutionizing Facility Safety Reporting
Safety reporting mechanisms are also evolving as businesses become more proactive in protecting their customers and employees. IMPaCT is a platform that allows customers and employees to report nefarious activities in real time through a QR code-based system. In this blog post, we explore how IMPaCT transforms facility safety reporting and why businesses must prioritize client safety.
Studies show that crime negatively impacts businesses worldwide, affecting not just their bottom line but also the safety of their customers and employees. IMPaCT’s mission is to empower a company's customers and employees to report suspicious activities without delay, allowing them to take steps to protect property and life. For instance, 80% of human trafficking occurs in hospitality locations like hotels and motels, so businesses in such industries must prioritize customer safety.
Fire Alarm Pull Station equivalent for physical safety reporting.
While many businesses may offer safety training to their employees, there are often few practical tools that allow them to safely and effectively deploy their knowledge. IMPaCT’s platform acts like a fire alarm pull station without an immediate emergency response. This enables facility management and security partners to assess a situation before escalating it further, making it easier to evaluate potential risks and take proactive measures.
One of the best things about IMPaCT is that it is designed for multi-generational teams. Anyone who can scan a QR code or send a text message can use the platform, making it accessible to almost everyone. Its simple yet effective interface makes it easier for employees and customers to report suspicious activities immediately.
Another unique feature of IMPaCT is that it offers a communication platform between customers, employees, safety partners, security professionals, and management systems. This ensures that every party involved in a potential safety incident can communicate with each other in real time, which can help avoid confusion and potential bottlenecks in the reporting process.
In conclusion, IMPaCT is revolutionizing facility safety reporting, providing businesses with the tools to prioritize client safety. It is a cost-effective and straightforward system that empowers employees and customers to take action before a situation becomes more sinister. As the platform is accessible to anyone who can scan a QR code, it is a versatile solution that can be used in almost any industry. By investing in IMPaCT, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to client safety and avoid potential litigation.